There are so many natural alternatives available to you if you want to turn your garden organic. All it takes is a little research, and some strategic implementation.
You need to consider beginning the plants into pots. Then, you can plant the seedlings into your garden. Your plants will be more likely to mature this way. This also helps tighten time between plantings. You can plant the seedlings once you have removed the old plants.
Flower Garden
Plant a variety of flowers to keep your flower garden colorful and interesting. Annuals and biennials can add excitement and interest to your flower garden every season. These types of flowers grow at high speed, which gives you more flexibility in changing the look of your flower beds as the seasons change. In an area that is sunny, they make good plants to place in the gaps found between shrubs and perennials. Notable varieties include cosmos, rudbeckia, petunia, hollyhock, marigold and sunflower.
When gardening, be watchful of stink bugs, particularly in the fall. This insect will gladly devour your tomatoes, beans, and peppers, as well as a variety of other fruits. Stink bugs may get out of hand and do significant damage in your garden. It is important to take steps to eliminate them from that area.
Soak seeds overnight, preferably in a cool, dark place. Place a couple seeds in each container, then fill it close to full with water. This will allow your seeds to be hydrated and get a head start when growing. The seeds will now have a greater chance of maturing and surviving.
Your vegetable garden should get at least six hours of sun daily. Many of the vegetables need a lot of sun, so they can grow right and at a faster pace. Some flowers also require direct sunlight for a portion of each day.
Natural Materials
Using natural materials in the garden will keep pests away. Onions and marigolds can get rid of pests in the garden. Wood ash, when used like mulch, can keep away pests after it is spread around a tree base and shrub seedlings. Natural materials and plants can be just as effective as chemical pesticides at keeping unwanted visitors out of your garden!
Think about planting evergreen plants that will produce berries in the backyard. The berries will provide a boost of color to your backyard, even during the colder months when most of the other vegetation has been drained of their color. Other plants that boast of winter berries include: Holly, Snowberry and Winterberry.
The water that is leftover from the steamed vegetables is great to pour over them. Tea and coffee grounds can also serve as acidifiers in the soil of your gardenias or rhododendrons. Chamomile tea is a natural way to rid your plants of a persistent fungus.
Gardening is an incredible method of relaxing. Many methods of relaxation can be employed to lead a peaceful life. One of the best ways to do this is horticulture. While you do have to invest a little bit of money, the returns on that are huge. The biggest dividend is the emotional satisfaction of planting and growing greens on your own.
Be smart about how you water your garden. Utilize a soaker hose. This saves time as you need not water each plant one at a time with the nozzle of a hose or with a watering can. To avoid damaging delicate plants, you should water them with low pressure. Let it water the plants for a while as you do other things.
To keep dogs from disturbing your garden, spray some old aftershave, cologne, perfume or other strongly-scented products in the dirt or grass surrounding it. Your dog will be less attracted to your garden when these scents overpower compost scents and other smells dogs like.
Allow your children to assist with the work to be done in your organic garden. Gardens are terrific teaching tools for kids, and provide great opportunities for interaction, growth, and instruction on healthy living.
Gardeners who are intrigued by the ideas of organic and sustainable methods should think about designating a portion of their landscape to support native plants and animals. A natural area will allow beneficial birds and insects, many of which pollinate plants, to live on your property and help your garden grow stronger.
Coffee Grounds
Put used coffee grounds on the soil. Coffee grounds will add nitrogen to your soil which will make them helpful for some of your plants. Coffee grounds as a source of nitrogen for plants are usually limited to acid-loving plants because coffee is acidic. This nutrient is often lacking in home gardens, and adding it will give you taller plants that bloom beautifully.
Try not to let the chores associated to your organic garden build up. Not everyone has time to tend their gardens every day, but by doing little things whenever you have a chance, you can avoid having things pile up. For example, if you have a dog, pull a few weeds while you are outdoors with the dog. Over time, you keep your garden weed free without adding any additional time on to your day.
Many people try to garden, but if you do not know what you are doing, you will not see the best results. Implement these important concepts in building a truly organic garden.