Camping provides an exhilarating and fun-filled adventure for a variety of age groups. The best way you can make sure to have a great trip is to know how to be prepared and to understand exactly what to do when situations arise. The article below contains just that.
It is important to establish and set up your shelter before the sun goes down. Finding the right spot for your tent, gathering firewood and making dinner are all a lot tougher after darkness settles in. This is even more true if you’re accustomed to city life, and your eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness of the woods. Do not wind up in this position. Seek shelter and make camp for the night well before darkness sets in.
Camping provides the inevitable experience that you, your family and most of your possessions will probably get dirty. Being prepared for this will make sure you don’t stress too much when it occurs. Allow yourself to be improper, messy and just “let go” while outside. You can get clean when you get home.
Make sure that you know how to set up your tent before going on your trip. This helps you learn to put up your tent and make sure there aren’t missing pieces. This will also eliminate some of the frustration associated with setting up a tent.
Make sure that you know how to set up your tent before going on your trip. This will ensure that your tent is not missing pieces and that you understand how to set up your tent correctly. You don’t want to waste time at your destination, so this will make you well prepared.
Double check your medical insurance. Traveling to a different area may necessitate that you purchase another policy. This comes into effect, more so, when you are traveling out of the country. This preparation tactic can help you save a lot of money in the event of an accident.
Before you leave home to go camping, check to see if inclement weather is predicted in the area you are planning to visit. There are countless websites that contain information about what sort of weather you should expect at the area you are going camping at. Armed with the forecast, you can prepare yourself with appropriate clothing and camping gear.
Try combining a swimming experience with your camping experience. Any time you go camping, you are likely to miss taking a shower. The water helps you feel refreshed and a bit cleaner so that you don’t miss showering quite as much.
Combine your camping trip with some swimming. Camping can make you miss your shower. The coolness of the water will help you feel cleaner and more refreshed, so you won’t miss your shower as much as you thought you might!
A surprising tip you may not know about is that the lint from your dryer also doubles as great kindling for your camp fire. Several weeks prior to your trip, start gathering up everything that collects in your lint trap. Place the lint you normally throw in the trash in a plastic bag to take with you. This allows you to just get your kindling and leave when you’re ready.
Keep a kerchief or bandanna close at hand. You can use that piece of material for many purposes, such as holding a hot pot, cleaning surfaces, etc. There are a lot of different uses for it, so make sure you bring one on every camping trip with you.
Pack oranges on your camping trip for nutritious and convenient snacking as well as organic mosquito repellant. Don’t throw away the peels when you are finished with them and rub them on yourself. Apply to any skin that’s exposed to keep insects away with no chemicals. It’s a lot cheaper than spending your money on bug spray!
Old dryer lint makes a great fire-starter. A month before your camping trip, begin collecting the lint from your dryer’s lint filter. Simply hang a plastic bag near the dryer and stash the lint in the bag as it collects. Doing this means you can just snag your kindling on the way out the door the morning your trip starts.
If you are camping in uncharted territory, make sure that you understand potential dangers lurking there. This means, research what types of animals and insects are deadly or which weather patterns you need to watch for. Each spot can contain dangers which can really affect your trip.
When planning for a camping adventure with kids, be sure to speak to them about camping dangers. It’s easy to look at photos online of harmful plants like poison ivy so that they are aware that they should not touch them when they’re camping.
Kids love camping, but you need to plan out activities for them to do on the trip. If you are deep in the woods, away from everything, they may get bored. The may not be accustomed to activities like pitching a tent or fishing. Take the time to teach them these skills before the trip, especially if they don’t spend a great deal of time outdoors.
If you are not a seasoned camper, stay close to home. If you want to end your trip, you will be close to home. You might not pack enough food, or you may run short on clothing. So many things can go awry for the newbie camper; it’s definitely best to find a campground near to home.
Bring along supplies to keep you entertained in the great outdoors. Create a good scavenger hunt list, pack some fishing poles and carry along some board or card games to entertain you while sitting in the middle of the woods. Take as many entertainment items as you can fit if you are taking kids on your trip.
Cell Phone
If you will be camping in an area that is known for having dangerous wildlife, you need to double up your precautions when it comes to food. Take safety precautions, such as wrapping your items in many layers for protection. Taking these precautions can significantly lower you chances of being attacked.

It is generally a smart idea to leave your basecamp or car with a fully charged cell phone. Even better, bring extra batteries so you are prepared if there is an emergency. Your cell phone can help should an emergency arise.
A handy tool that will make your life easier when camping, is duct tape. It is versatile at camp, just like at home. You may need to patch up a punctured air mattress. It can also fix up a tarp, sleeping bag, or even the tent. If you are going on a long hike, you can put it on the sensitive parts of your feet for blister prevention. You can also put it over bandages for extra protection.
A simple camping tip everyone should know is to build shelter during daylight. The tent pitching process can be extremely hard if there is no light. You need to make a fire or use a flashlight. However, setting up your camp while it is still daylight is always your best option.
Though camping may be about roughing it in the wilderness, being prepared is a necessity. Bring extra blankets along with your sleeping bag. This will help you to stay warm, comfortable and safe during a cold or wet night.
Figure out how to use a compass and read a map in advance. If you are lost, this skill can help you to navigate back to your destination. You can avoid a possible disaster by becoming knowledgeable about using these items that can save your life.
Is this the first time you are camping? Long before you set off in the woods for the real thing, get some practice in on setting up the tent. By doing so, you will know that the equipment is all included, and you will be familiar with the process of pitching it. With this practice under your belt, your tent will go up much quicker and have you sheltered before night falls.
Waterproof matches should be added to your camping survival kit. The container should be airtight. You can add paraffin to regular matches, or even nail polish for a homemade waterproof match. Make a match holder out of a plastic medicine bottle or a 35mm film container.
Be sure that you have a good amount of lighting devices with you, as well as means of keeping them running. This will ensure everyone remains safe. Make sure areas are well-lit to avoid falls or animal issues. If you are bringing children on your trip, it’s a good idea to provide each of them with their own light.
Sleeping Bag
Believe it or not, an orange’s peel may keep mosquitoes from biting you during your next camping excursion. Don’t worry if you forgot your bug spray. Just rub the inner peel of an orange on your skin for a natural insect repellent. Mosquitoes should be repelled from you for a few hours.
Choose a sleeping bag that is made for the time of year you will be camping. In the summer you want to have a light, cool bag. During the winter, however, a thick sleeping bag will trap your body heat and ensure that you don’t freeze.
Make sure you pack a utility knife when going camping. Utility knives are a fantastic to bring along when camping because they have so many uses. Be sure you have one with you and another for backup in your gear in case one gets lost.
Do not set your camp near a bathroom. Such campers think that situating their tent in such an area will be convenient, but they soon realize the error of their ways. While you can use the bathroom area for lighting, it also is an attraction point for a lot of people. Therefore they can be more of a nuisance than anything else.
Learn how to use a map or a compass before going camping. Even if you’ve already been to your future campsite, getting lost once there is still a possibility since many areas of the site will look the same. To steer clear of calamities, learning the right way to use such lifesaving tools is key.
What is your plan for cooking during your camping trip? This decision must be made prior to heading out on your trip so you can pack accordingly. Without the right items, preparing food over the open flame can be difficult.
If you are tenting, it is important that you seal any of the seams in your tent. If your tent doesn’t have a tube, you can find easily find them. Sealing the seams of your tent will prevent any insects or water from getting inside.
Camping Trip
When you’re away camping, what cooking methods are you planning on using? You should determine how you plan on cooking your food, so you know what supplies to bring. Cooking over a campfire sounds appealing, but it isn’t so easy if you don’t have the right supplies.
Camping is quite popular with people of all ages. You can make your next camping trip pleasurable for all who participate when you have the right knowledge. Hopefully, you will use what you learned from this article to make your next camping trip a great one.
An essential element of your camping gear is a first aid kit. This kit should include items that are necessary in the event of an accident. Your kit for first aid should contain painkillers, a kit for snake bites, bandages, and whatever else you think you’ll need. Accidents happen even when precautions are taken.