Most people own a smartphone, or it seems so; however, most don’t know how to really use it. You aren’t the only one who isn’t making the most of an iphone. Read this article if you would like to know more about new ways to use your iphone.
You don’t need to type in the “.com” when browsing the web addresses while you are browsing.
It is possible to create an app from your favorite websites. Tap “Go” when you access the site loaded in your browser. This will give you the option to add this site on your home screen.
To dry a soaked phone, use rice. Life happens and more than likely your phone will fall into some water at one point or another. Put your device into a bag with rice to help soak up the moisture. Let it dry overnight.
The iphone has a nifty little feature where you come up with your very own shortcuts and dictionary. You can use the dictation function of your phone transcribe what you say out loud. You can establish your own shortcuts and phrases. The keyboard can also auto-correct your errors during typing.
Use the following trick to make messaging speedier. You can dismiss dictionary word suggestions by tapping elsewhere on your screen. You do not need to hit the small “x” that is found at the word’s end.
A website that is designed with boxes can be scrolled through box by using one finger to see each box. Two fingers will help you quickly scroll through the whole web page.
An iPhone’s notification feature can become annoying. You can shut them off by following these steps. Go to settings, then select notifications. Examine the apps listed in the heading and delete the ones you no longer use. The best part is that this can significantly increase your battery’s life each day.
The iphone displays previews of messages right on your lock screen. You might find this handy or annoying.You then want to disable the “Show Preview” feature.
Have you lost out on snapping a photo opportunity because the camera app was too much time to pop up? Try this quick and easy and quick shortcut.Tap twice on the Home icon two times when your screen is locked. A little picture of a camera icon should pop up somewhere right near the screen’s bottom. Tapping this button will enable the iPhone’s camera.
If you are concerned about privacy when using Siri, think twice before talking to her very much. Apple records pretty much all of these voice prompts you make to Siri and puts them on internal servers. This is done to aid speech recognition and secure those files, but remember that it also records everything that you say when using the Siri app.
Practically any website can be transformed into an app for your iPhone. Navigate to the site in question. Press the “Go” button when you get to the website. Doing so means you have the chance to add a shortcut to this website to the home screen of your iPhone. Once the shortcut is there, you can name it whatever you want.
Turn keyboard clicks “on” so that you can hear noise each time a character is entered during texting. This will let you know with a sound each time you press a button on the phone and will help eliminate mistakes you make when typing.
A great iphone tip is to select your prefer. You want to stand out from the crowd with a standard ringtone. You can either upload a great song or an audio byte you enjoy. This is a great way to get other people’s attention.
If you have gotten your iphone wet, stop yourself from immediately turning it back on. Dry off the phone and let the internal moisture evaporate. You can short circuit your phone by activating it when wet.

You can see a list of messages on your lock screen. This could come in handy or it could be annoying. If you find it annoying, you can easily turn off this feature. Go into your settings menu, choose notifications and then messages. The facility you wish to disable is known as “Show Preview”.
Tap the bar to return to the top of the page and it will bring you to where you started.This also works for any screen that are long too (such as iTunes lists).
One great suggestion for your iphone is to use the Facebook app. Many people know this, but there are some who are unaware of the phone’s ability to use Facebook.
You do not have to put up with hearing Siri’s robotic voice. The first step is locating Siri in the “general settings” area. You can then set Siri’s language to English, German or English. You can also modify her accent in order to reflect either British or Australian one. The British Siri accent is actually a male!
Did you know that your iPhone can take a screenshot, anytime you like? Once you are on the screen that you would like to take a screenshot of, hold down the “home” button and click on the “sleep” button at the same time. Your screen will blink white letting you know the screen shot has been taken and stored in your camera roll.
If you run out of time when typing up an email, tap cancel rather than closing the email application. The iphone will then ask if you the option of saving a draft of your unfinished email. This allows you to finish working on your email when you have something to do.
Social Media
Use social media on your iphone to connect with family and friends. The iphone can keep your friends on any of the major social media like Facebook or Twitter. Get the latest buzz and news with these apps so you are always aware of what is going on when it is happening.
The Safari browser on the iPhone is almost as versatile as your computer at home. You can even save online images if you want. When you find an image you want to keep, simply tap it and hold. The context menu pops up, and you can save the picture to the Camera Roll on your phone. From this menu, you can also send the picture in a text or iMessage!
A great way to use the iphone to communicate is with FaceTime. This application lets users actually see the person with whom they are speaking with. You can use it by going into your contacts area and choosing to start a FaceTime call.
Avoid exposing your iphone to temperature areas. Do not bring your iphone into low temperate and protect it with a case if it is very cold outside.
Do not let your iphone become exposed to the sun for a long time. The electronics of the phone are not designed to withstand extreme heat and can be damaged from direct sunlight.
If your iPhone is submersed in water, do not instantly try to turn it on. Thoroughly dry the outside, and let the inside dry overnight. If the phone is turned on while wet, it could short circuit.
It is hard to navigate through email accounts bear the same name. So to separate each account and make it simple to find what email you are using when you are looking through your mail.
Iphones are pricey, but they are like a handheld computer. If you are an iphone owner, you understand just how wonderful it is. Utilizing the tips that have been provided to you here will ensure that your iphone is used to its best potential.