There is a lot of information available to help anyone new to the iphone. Keep reading to learn great things you can do with an iphone.
Save your valuable battery power by reducing the brightness on your iphone. Go to the settings area on your iphone to alter the brightness level.
Are you fed up by all the constnt notifications you receive on your iphone? You can easily turn them off by following these steps. Check out the applications in the “Notification Center” and delete any unwanted apps. This will also add to the iPhone’s battery life.
The iPhone is exceptionally helpful when it comes to location, yours and those places you’d like to get to. The integrated map and gps function allow you to use your wireless service to pinpoint where you are, and where you are going. This app is also great for letting you simply find your way to your home, or to someplace that you are traveling to.
There is no need to press X every time AutoCorrect attempts to correct a word that has been subjected to AutoCorrect.Just tap somewhere else on the screen anywhere instead.This is a faster way to get rid of the suggestion box while saving you much needed time.
There is an app that allows users to upload files to the iphone and make it a storage device for your important files. With an app like this, text, brief videos, photo and text files to your iphone. You just need to connect your phone to any computer, or open them directly on your iphone.
Did you know you can use your headphone cord to take a photo? Begin by focusing the picture you want to capture. When the picture is ready to go, just press down on the cord’s button. This will then take the photograph. You can now save the picture like you would normally.
Check for updates for your iPhone frequently. These updates may contain bug fixes, feature upgrades and other important options for your iPhone. You will also have to store all photos and other information you have on your computer in case something bad occurs to the phone, you’re covered.
Most iphone owners use their phones. It can be hard to sort through all of the photos you have taken if they are not sorted.The iphone has a built-in album area that helps to easily organize your pictures. This can make it a godsend for anyone who needs to quickly find a specific image without scrolling endlessly.
The iphone will show you a preview of any incoming text messages on the main lock screen. You may find this annoying rather than convenient. The feature you wish to disable is known as “Show Preview”.
Have you ever missed out on a great picture because the camera app takes too much time to pop up? Try this quick and easy idea. Tap twice on the Home icon two times when your screen is locked. A little picture of a camera icon will pop up at the bottom of your device. Tapping this button will enable the iPhone’s camera.
Siri allows you to establish reminder notifications based on your location. Instead of saying “Siri, remind me to call work at five.” You can tell Siri to remind you to give work a call when you get home. Then the phone will tell you to call up your work when it detects that you are home. You can easily set a reminder if you’re not sure when you’re getting back home.
If you like to protect your privacy and have a newer iphone with Siri, consider limiting how much you say to Siri. Apple makes note of these recordings and puts them on their internal servers. This is done because it helps the speech recognition program work better, but keep in mind that anything said to Siri can be recorded.
This feature is easy for email addresses or common phrases. This shortcut is in the phone’s keyboard settings of your iphone.
If you happen to drop your phone into a liquid, don’t try to turn it on right away. Dry the phone first and allow the internal water to dry overnight. You can short circuit the phone by turning it on while wet.
Always use a screen protector with your iPhone. This will help to prevent scratches, which can damage the look of your device. Just a tiny speck of dirt can scratch the screen. Always protect your devices, especially those that cost a lot of money.
The Calendar on your iphone is one of the best organizational tools available. You can make it more efficient by directly adding your events instead of always using the + button. If you’re in “Day” view, touching and pressing on each hour will make new events on that time. Fast scheduling will give you more of your time.
Tap the status bar on the top of the page and it will bring you to where you started. This is helpful for other long lists too like they have on the iTunes store.
You can take a screenshot with the iphone at any time. Simply press the power and your home buttons at the same time. This will allow you to take a screenshot of the current display and directly forwards it to the Images area for you.
Do you get annoyed by receiving so many notifications on your iPhone? Here is an easy way to stop them. Start by selecting Settings and then selecting the notifications bar. Remove items that aren’t useful from your “Notification Center”. As a bonus, this will increase battery life.
Tap cancel in order to save an email message.You will receive a popup asking how you wish to proceed; one option to Save your work.If you select save, your unfinished message will be waiting for you later in Drafts. If you have no Drafts folder, the iphone will create one.
You can gain access favorites and iPod controls through your favorites. Simply choose Settings, tap general,” and then click the home button. You are then able to customize your iphone by double clicking and selecting which options you would like to customize. This is a fairly easy to do when you know the steps.
Social Media
Increase the speed of messaging by using this trick. Sometimes, you will be provided an alternative word, as you can tap out of this to delete the suggestion. You do not need to hit the small “x” that follows the word.
Connect with all your friends using mobile social media on the iphone. The iphone lets you instantly update your friends updated through social media like Facebook or Facebook. Get all the latest buzz and news with these apps so you are always aware of what is going on when it is happening.
Do not allow your phone to be in places where it will be subject to extreme temperatures if possible. Do not take your phone into a freezer and protect it with a case if it is very cold outside.
With the information in this article, you now have an idea of all the great things that you can do with your iphone. The main thing is that you’ll want to pick up some different tips so that you can unlock new and cool features and have easier access to the ones you already know about. Use what you have discovered here to amaze your friends with all that the iphone can do.
Taking full advantage of the iPhone’s multimedia abilities will let you get more from your device. Your iPhone can handle your entertainment needs. For example, you can download video clips or even your favorite movie or series.