Facebook is very popular because of how it brings people together. You can take advantage of this by marketing on Facebook. Keep reading to learn exactly how to use Facebook to increase your business.
Interact with your fans regularly so you know what it is they want. If a person takes time to post on your page, make a note of what they said. A lot of businesses that are successful have learned some ideas on marketing from everyday people. Your fans are your customers, so always listen to them.
Always post a link to any new content on your site to your Facebook wall. For example, link a summary of your blog onto Facebook if you have one. Your Twitter page and other pages can be linked straight to your Facebook account.
Be sure and answer all questions that people post on your Facebook page. Thank them for contacting you, and give them a great answer. Never hesitate to share links to the site if there is an article that is on point in answering their question.
Before you do anything else, you must build your audience. That means you really shouldn’t put too much investment into marketing products or promotions there until you have at least 5,000 fans. After you have developed a fan base, you can begin marketing your products by increasing your investment.
A great way to boost conversion of visitors to followers is by hiding content from those who are not yet fans. When only followers can see certain parts of your page, it will make visitors want to become followers. Take care just to hide a small bit of content, so that you do not undermine SEO opportunities.
Real Resources
Apply real resources to your Facebook marketing. Facebook is a valuable way to reach potential customers and deserves to be taken seriously. If you give the job to a busy person on your team, it might not get the attention it needs. Put some real resources behind your efforts if you want to get a lot out of everything.
You should post relevant and useful information regularly on your business Facebook page. Posting once daily is generally sufficient. Keep your content quality up, and give your audience information that they really want.
Allowing people to comment on your page is an absolute necessity. You may think of this as a way to keep inappropriate content off of your page, but all it will do is convince users that you do not care about what it is they have to say.
Only post professional looking photos to your page. They will give viewers a nice picture of your company. If you use personal pictures, ensure that the quality is good, and that you only post photos that will put you in the best possible light.
Always nurture the relationships on Facebook that you have with those you have a chance to interact with. Just like when you’re talking to people in person, you have to take your time to build up trust with people that you speak with online. Strong relationships will lead to profits down the road. Remember that it’s always a good idea to offer people deals and promotions as well.
Have some kind of a contest on your page if you want to increase how many “likes” that pages has. You can offer discounts or a nice prize once your goal of likes is met. Contests are a great way to attract new followers and win new customers for your products and services.
Ask customers if they’ll post their reviews on your actual Facebook profile. People showing interest in your products are going to appreciate reviews left by others. Potential customers will be more likely to make a purchase if they see the thoughts of satisfied customers on the wall of your Facebook page.
Take time to interact with your Facebook followers. Encourage the conversation between your followers. To help get conversations started, ask a question. If they are already talking, why not join in? When you get people involved with talking to you through your Facebook page they will feel a personal attachment to your company and will respond well to your marketing efforts.
Ask your visitors to share your page among their friends. Provide incentives like discounts or freebies for sharing content. You can promise to give coupon codes to everyone once you or your updates get shared by a specific number of subscribers.
Since so many people are using Facebook, you should be, too. Whether your business is big or small, you can use Facebook to your advantage. Use this information to guide you through effectively marketing your business on Facebook.