Smoking cessation is tough even for individuals who are very dedicated and determined. Even people who are truly motivated to quit still rely on smoking to a certain extent. If you want to kick the smoking habit for good and emotionally detach yourself, the following article can help you do just that.
If you feel that you need to smoke a cigarette, first try to delay that action. Force yourself to complete some other chore, before you can have a cigarette. This will help you to reduce your temptations and shift your focus elsewhere. Even if you do take that cigarette, you may still be reducing your total count for the day by one.
Make sure to get adequate sleep while you try to stop smoking. Staying up late can elevate fatigue, increasing cravings for a cigarette. There are not people around late at night, this will make it easy for you to sneak a smoke. By sleeping restfully at least eight hours every night, your mental faculties will be more acute and you’ll have more willpower to overcome your cravings.
10 Minutes
You should try the delay tactic when you feel like you absolutely have to have a cigarette. By telling yourself that you’ll see how you feel in 10 minutes, and then distracting your mind and body during that time, you will normally find that 10 minutes later, the craving will have passed. If the craving hasn’t passed, then repeat the first step again.
Talk to your loved ones, in order to garner their support in quitting smoking. Also, make sure that they know not to be judgmental and are as optimistic as possible to improve your chance for success. Also, warn them that you may be bad-tempered in the beginning and that your judgment may be somewhat cloudy. Quitting smoking is not easy, so you should enlist the support of your loved ones to help you through the process.
Consider nicotine replacement therapy. Nicotine withdrawal can make you feel depressed, restless, frustrated or irritable. The cravings can be overwhelming. Nicotine-replacement therapy will help diminish these feelings. Research has shown that people who make use of nicotine gum, lozenges, or patches can have twice the chances of quitting smoking successfully. But, you should never use these nicotine replacements while you are still smoking.
Have a plan for effective stress management to counteract the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Try finding new interests, such as exercise, an interesting hobby, or even a massage. Try to schedule these activities during times you usually have severe cravings for a cigarette. Give yourself enjoyable distractions to keep you away from smoking, such as playing with your pets or kids.
The best thing you can do to start your cigarette free lifestyle is to just stop smoking. The most effective way to quit is just stop. This is a simple solution to quitting, but it’s not always easy. While this method may seem a bit difficult. It has been proven to be very effective, in long term cases.
If you smoked, inside your house, give it a complete cleaning once you have quit. Clean your carpets, furniture and drapes. You might even consider putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls. The smell will be refreshing and not remind you of cigarettes as you walk around your home. Keep cigarettes out of you mind by eliminating the smells.
You need to do everything possible to keep your determination and motivation to quit smoking high. This could involve you gluing motivational posters and messages to the walls at your work office, or wearing an item of jewelry that symbolizes your intentions to quit. Whatever method you use, the visual reminders might be helpful in combating the cravings at a later time.
Think about the places where you used to regularly have a cigarette, and then avoid them. If you always have a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other, it’s time to shake up your routine a little. You could have your coffee while you are driving into work or avoid the bar altogether so that you avoid the smoking triggers you are used to.
Make a no smoking mantra. You can convince yourself that one cigarette won’t hurt, but it may undo a lot of dedication and hard work. Remember that even one cigarette can restart the mental addiction.
Smoking is often used as an aid to getting through stressful events. If you have done this in the past then you must find new coping techniques for these times. Consider yoga or meditation because this will decrease your stress better than smoking does.
Substitue a healthy habit like exercise for your smoking. An exercise session triggers release of mood-elevating endorphins and also provides a needed distraction from thinking about smoking. Furthermore, the activity will make you less likely to gain weight as you stop smoking.
Smoking Cessation
Make sure that you speak with a medical professional about different ways to stop smoking. There has been much progress in the realm of smoking cessation. There are many medical options, in addition to nicotine replacement programs, to help you get over the withdrawal symptoms. You should consult your doctor about any contraindications before trying a smoking cessation product.
If your willpower is weakening and you are about to reach for your favorite tobacco product, pick up the phone a call somebody for support. You can call a friend or someone in your family and tell them about how tempted you feel. This helps to distract you, as well as reminds you that you aren’t alone.
Try to breathe deeply when you want to smoke. When you are focusing on your breathing, focus also on why you want to stop smoking. Furthermore, deep breathing increases oxygen intake and encourages you to feel refreshed. These techniques are simple, effective and, best of all, free!
Many, many people have successfully quit smoking. You can, too. With determination, dedication and discipline, you can successfully stop smoking. You might be surprised what you can do with determination!