Even if you have not gone camping since you were a child, it can still be a fun activity. If you have information to aid you and the drive, you can still have a good time. The following paragraphs have a number of helpful ideas you can use.
Remember, wet wood won’t burn right, so nature may not always provide the wood you need. It’s a great idea to carry your own wood with you and to keep it secure in a dry area.
Sleeping Bag
Take a first-aid class, especially if children are camping with you. This way, if someone were to have an accident, you’ll possess enough knowledge to deal with it enough until medical help arrives. Never forget to research. Find out if the area has poisonous snakes, what type of wildlife lives in the woods, etc.
When camping, bring the sleeping bag that appeals to the season that you are in. By bringing a winter sleeping bag in the summer you may end up sweating instead of sleeping. Also, during the winter, you should bring a sleeping bag that has down or heavy material. You might even get hypothermia.
Do a “jungle breakfast” if you are bringing kids. Take smaller boxes of cereal, small cups of fruit and juice boxes away from your site and tie them up to treas. When the kids awake, you can tell them to “hunt” for breakfast. This is a wonderful way to spice up the whole camping trip.
Do not assume you can collect firewood from the area. Bring some wood and store it in an area that is not moist when you camp.
Dryer lint makes surprisingly good kindling for starting campfires. A month prior to your trip, start saving the lint you pull from the lint screen in your dryer. Place the lint you normally throw in the trash in a plastic bag to take with you. Doing this means you can just snag your kindling on the way out the door the morning your trip starts.
Keep in mind that you, your family, and everything you take with you is probably going to be dirty. Setting the proper regulations in advance can help to combat this. Have fun in nature and don’t be afraid to get dirty! You can get cleaned up when you return home.
If you are interested in camping alone or with friends, make sure you have prepared an emergency kit. You want to bring a kit for any situation that might arise during your camping trip. You may want to pack bear repellent or antivenom.
Anytime you buy a tent, be sure to practice setting it up and taking it down in your backyard prior to actually camping. By doing this you will be able to make sure that your tent does not have any missing parts. Furthermore, such a task will help to reassure you that you know how to errect your camping tent properly. This also makes setting up your tent at the campsite a much smoother process.
You don’t have to entirely rough it. Bring a little piece of luxury from home. Make it something easy to transport like your favorite coffee sweetener or candy. Small luxuries can make enduring a camping trip easier.
Make sure your tent is of ample size. This will give you the room necessary for a comfortable camping trip.
Always set up your camp before nightfall. If you are in an RV, park it safely. Pitch your tent on land that is flat and dry. It is much easier to do these things during the day, and you can become familiar with the area. This will also let you avoid the frustration of doing it when it’s not at easy to see what you are doing.
Before leaving on a camping trip, check the forecast for your destination. There are lots of websites that can give you an idea of what the typical weather is like in the area during the time of your travel. This way you will know what type of clothing to pack and the equipment you need.
If the area you are camping in is known for dangerous wildlife, you will need to be doubly careful with food storage. You will need to keep your food in airtight containers or securely wrapped, and store it away from your tent. Some foods should be avoided entirely. This can prevent an attack.
Try to go swimming when you are camping. You may miss the shower at your home when you are camping. By taking a dip in a pool, lake or river, you will have fun and feel clean and refreshed at the same time!
You need duct tape because it is a versatile, handy tool. It is nearly as useful while camping as it is around the house. Duct tape is useful for patching holes in air mattresses. You can also seal holes in sleeping bags or tents. You can even use it to help prevent blisters on your feet. It can even be used to bandage injuries.
You don’t have to entirely rough it. Bring a little piece of luxury from home. Whether this is a nice coffee creamer, or something as simple as candy, it will make you feel like you are at home. Comforts from home can really spice up the rustic outdoors!
Make sure to prepare in advance before you engage in a camping trip. Blankets are essential, in addition to a sleeping bag, to maximize comfort. This helps to make sure that you are comfortable at night when it is chilly.
Pack oranges on your camping trip for nutritious and convenient snacking as well as organic mosquito repellant. Keep the peels when you are finished eating them. Rub the peels on your body and mosquitoes will stay away.

Do you know how to pitch a tent? Before you take it on your first trip, practice setting up your tent. This will help ensure that your trip goes smoothly, for a more enjoyable trip when you understand your tent. Practicing how to pitch a tent will also ensure you can quickly set up your tent when you arrive at your campsite.
One handy piece of equipment to take with you when you head out on your next camping trip is a roll of duct tape. Not only is it useful around the home, but it serves many purposes while camping. You can use this to repair any holes in an air mattress. It can also seal rips in tarps, a sleeping bag, or the tent. It can be used on feet to help fight off blisters during long hikes. This can also be used for injuries when you do not have a regular doctor around.
Be careful and wise when you are packing. Make a checklist of supplies that you will need on your camping trip, and check items off as you pack them. This is especially crucial if your trip will be taking you to a remote location where replacement supplies will be hard to come by.
It’s imperative that you take along the things you need when you’re going camping. Omitting just an item or two can be calamitous. It’s very helpful to write out a list and cross each item off once you have packed it. You should bring along a knife, food, water, shelter and a sleeping bag.
Set up camp before the sun goes down. Tent building in the dark is a major obstacle to confront. You’d have to do it with the light from a fire or from a flashlight, both of which could be difficult. It is basically easier to get your campsite set up before it gets dark and you are not fumbling around in the dark.
Look for the softest and flattest ground you can possibly find for your tent. If you choose an uneven area, being in your tent will be uncomfortable and unenjoyable. Prevent water from getting in by placing a tarp or plastic sheet under the floor of your tent.
Reading a map and using a compass are two things that should be done before heading out for a camping trip. Even if you know the area well, getting lost is always a possibility. Using a map or compass can actually save your life if you’re lost. Learn to use them so that you don’t suffer a tragic fate.
Create a list of the items you must bring before you go camping. This is especially important if you must travel a while to get to the campgrounds. Pack in advance to avoid the stresses of packing before your trip.
Your survival kit should include waterproof matches. Use an airtight container to store them. You can waterproof regular matches by dunking them in nail polish or paraffin, a type of wax. You can also make a caddy for them out of a 35mm film container or a medicine bottle made out of plastic.
Don’t forget to bring back-ups of things like batteries and flashlights. This will ensure everyone remains safe. You can prevent accidents, such as falling or coming face-to-face with wild animals, if you have enough light available. If your children are along on your camping trip, give them each their own flashlight.
It may seem trivial to remind you of this, but do not forget to bring toilet paper along when you pack. If your campsite lacks toilet facilities, you will need to use the woods. Avoid using leaves to wipe, as you may not be able to recognize poisonous plants such as poison ivy.
Orange peels are great items to reduce mosquito bites while camping. Thus, if you forget the repellant, but remember the oranges, you’re still in luck! Rub the inner peel of an orange over your body as mosquitoes will refrain from biting you. This can keep mosquitoes at bay for a number of hours.
If you think a campsite right next to the bathrooms is ideal, think again. Such campers think that situating their tent in such an area will be convenient, but they soon realize the error of their ways. Bathrooms attract many people and also end up lit up at night. Therefore, they end up not having the convenience and comfort that they expected.
Before you go camping, make sure to think about the clothes you will need for the trip. Be sure you have a lot of clean clothes that will last you your whole trip. Also, check the weather so that you can dress accordingly. You want to bring durable shoes that are closed toed like hiking boots since they work in many situations.
Dress in layers when camping. Weather in the outdoors can change very quickly. It may be chilly early in the morning, but then the afternoon can be incredibly hot and humid. Then it can cool back down at night. By dressing in layers, you can adjust your clothes to the changes in the weather easily.
Be mindful of where exactly you put up your camp. You don’t want to overlook something like a snake hole, take a little precaution. If you are next to a lot of vegetation, it is a good idea to wear longer sleeves to protect you from insects. You might also want to carry bug repellent too.
Plan plenty of activities to keep yourself busy while camping. You do not need to stick to just sitting around a campfire and roasting marshmallows. Try to think of things to do that each member will enjoy. You should plan activities that both the older campers and younger campers alike will enjoy.
Bringing your survival kit and first aid kit is crucial. These two items can be the deciding factor in whether you have to end a trip early or care for situations as they arise. This can help keep issues from escalating, and let you secure help for an injured camper.
If you think you might enjoy a camping trip but have never actually tried it before, give yourself a quick test-run to make sure you like it. Pitch a tent in your garden or backyard and spend one or two nights in it. Do not go in the house for any reason. If you find the experience enjoyable, camping may just be for you!
Using good information, you can relive your old childhood camping memories. Use this article to capture that feeling of camping that you once had when you were younger.
Do not forget to bring a lot of sunscreen. Sun protection is extremely important. Make sure to get a sunscreen with a high SPF and put it on regularly. Ideally, you may want to look for a sunscreen that provides protection from bugs at the same time. When you go camping, you won’t want to have a lot of chemicals on you.