Home Tips & Tricks How To Have A Happy, Healthy Pregnancy
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How To Have A Happy, Healthy Pregnancy


TIP! A regular bedtime routine will ensure that you get enough sleep while you are pregnant. Keeping a regular routine in your evenings signals your body that bedtime is coming, which means you fall asleep with ease.

Being pregnant or in the process of trying to conceive, means you have a million and one things to learn and take care of. Pregnancy alters your life in a huge way. Thoughts of your pregnancy may start to overwhelm you as they take over your life. The following advice can help make sure that your pregnancy goes smoothly.

TIP! When you do need maternity clothing and undergarments, be sure to go ahead and get what you need. You’ll find that you are far more comfortable and have a larger variety of clothes.

Just like everyone does, women that are pregnant need to be sure that they’re protecting their skin before going out into the sun. When a woman is pregnant, her skin becomes more sensitive to the sun, which makes her more prone to sunburn and increases her risk of skin cancer.

Nutritional Needs

TIP! If conceiving is something you are attempting to do, then learn how to monitor and track your cycles. You can use your knowledge of your cycle to figure out when the best time to try for a baby might be.

Just because you crave a certain food, it doesn’t mean you should over-indulge in it, especially if it full of empty calories. Your developing baby has particular nutritional needs, much like you do. Stuffing yourself with foods you crave is likely not to satisfy the nutritional needs of your unborn child, so remember to include proper nutrition in your life by eating a balanced diet.

TIP! Your teeth should be kept in good condition and you need to see your dentist still when you’re pregnant. Pregnancy can make your mouth and immune system vulnerable.

Be sure not to tend to cat litter when you are pregnant. You could get toxoplasmosis from changing a litter box. Toxoplasmosis is caused by a parasite known as parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Cats carry this parasite, and it causes no problems for them or for most people; however, if it is transferred to a developing fetus, it can cause stillbirth, miscarriage or birth defects.

TIP! Try using full-service gas stations when pregnant or having your passenger or partner fill the tank while you’re in the car. Gas fumes are not good to breathe in when pregnant because of your baby.

If you are pregnant and you get an illness or eat a food that causes diarrhea, be sure that you drink plenty of fluids. Diarrhea could cause dehydration, but for women who are pregnant, it could potentially bring you to the hospital, in which you will be hooked to intravenous fluids.

TIP! When planning your family, remember that it may take about a year for you to get pregnant. You should see your doctor if you’ve tried to no avail.

Find a birthing class as soon as you can, in order to make sure you get the best dates for you and whoever you use as your labor coach. Don’t procrastinate with the dates because you can’t always control when the baby decides to arrive.

Pay attention to how much folic acid is in your prenatal vitamin. This vitamin helps with tissue development and reduction in risk of certain birth defects.

TIP! If you get sick during your pregnancy, it is important to talk to your doctor about what to take. The drugs that are in over-the-counter medicine can be harmful to your fetus.

Don’t give into excessive offers of food by others in your social circle. You are supposed to up your calories during pregnancy but that doesn’t mean you need to eat constantly. Just say, “No thanks.” That is just fine and is often the right thing to say to too much food.

TIP! Pregnant women who struggle with edema–swollen hands and feet–should notify their physician. While this is one of many common side effects of pregnancy, it may also be indicative of a dangerous medical condition, such as preeclampsia.

Educate yourself with a class on childbirth. Sign up for your class as early as possible to make sure you have a spot. You should think about taking a class on breastfeeding. These two classes will teach you what you need to know about your immediate future.

TIP! Lost of people experience a great amount of joy when they’re creating their future baby’s nursery. Keep in mind that when you’re pregnant, pain fumes aren’t safe to be around.

Pregnancy is a big step and with it comes many changes to your emotions and your body. The latter can be captured along the way with some great pictures. The miracle of your baby growing inside from month to month may soon be forgotten in the many challenges of caring for a new born and these pictures will be a reminder of this glorious time.

TIP! Some women opt to have the flu shot when pregnant. Your lessened immunity while pregnant makes you more susceptible to getting sick.

While pregnant, it is important to get ample sleep in order to keep yourself energized and focused on helping your baby grow. You should wear comfy pajamas and keep your bedroom a comfortable temperature.

TIP! Swimming is a great idea for women that are farther along in their pregnancies. Swimming keeps you active and can help with any aches and pains you may be having.

It can be helpful to create a list of all the things you are going to need and need to do during your pregnancy. Sometimes you can get things done on your list if you ask others for help. Some items may be eliminated altogether.

TIP! Say no to exorbitant amounts of food! While you will need to take in more calories during your pregnancy, you should not go overboard. Just say, “No thanks.

Stretch your muscles before going to bed to minimize cramping. Cramping in the legs, especially the calves, is a very common complaint for pregnant women. This is due to the extra weight and strain on the leg muscles. By stretching your muscles, you will help them relax which will result in less cramps throughout the night. This will help you to sleep soundly all night long!

TIP! A birth plan is a helpful tool that you should take some time to write. Make sure you give instructions to people that will be at the hospital for the delivery.

Use a high quality, high spf sunscreen if you are expecting during the summer months. The sun’s rays promote melanin production, which leads to a condition called “pregnancy mask.” Also, your face and body will become redder than usual.

TIP! It is wise to be tested for HIV at the beginning of pregnancy for the sake of your health and the baby’s. On the off chance that you receive a positive result, the knowledge will help you and your OB-GYN plan for your baby and try to prevent the infant from contracting the disease.

If you’re planning on getting pregnant, you have to start tracking your cycle. Once you have some idea of the way your body works, you should be able to get pregnant a lot easier. You’ll also know when you’re pregnant sooner.

TIP! Your body is always changing during pregnancy, so it can be nice to photograph yourself regularly during this time. Once you have a newborn to take care of, pregnancy will recede into the past, and having pictures can help you remember what it was like.

It’s not necessary to learn everything in one day. Pregnancy does last a few months, after all. You can learn something new about pregnancy every day! Use the advice of this article as a general base of knowledge, and build on it from there. Most importantly, stay calm and allow yourself all the enjoyment and wonder that pregnancy can offer!

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