You will need to have an understanding of how the selling and buying of jewelry works before you jump into the field yourself. With all the information that you need, it can be tough to know where to start.
Do some research on the gem in your new piece of jewelry before you buy. Gems are divided into three main categories: imitation, synthetic and natural. Both synthetic and natural gems are real; however, imitation is simply plastic. Synthetic gems come from a lab and natural ones are found in the ground.
When shopping for a diamond, it’s crucial that you do comparisons. Take a look at the diamonds up close, then put it next to other pieces you are interested in. However, be mindful that there are fraudulent ways to make the diamond look better than it is.
Before committing yourself to a piece, do research to determine which styles are hot and which are not. Getting a nice piece of jewelry is good, but getting it at a discount is even better.
You want to ensure that your jewelry always looks its best so do everything you can to stop it from tarnishing. When wearing your jewelry, you should avoid exposure to water. This could cause your jewelery to rust or become more dull. If you must take your jewelry somewhere wet, prepare it by adding some clear nail polish on the surface.
When buying jewelry, think about what kind of stone would be right. Think about your skin tone, and also think about your personality as you choose your favorite stones. If you choose a neutral color it will match anything you wear. Taking these things into account will give you a piece of jewelry you can wear many times and in diverse situations.
Hit up several different stores when looking for diamond jewelry. Every diamond is unique and possesses particular flaws. If you can personally view a flaw, it may become less significant in your eyes. Different jewelers may price differently in regard to these flaws. It is important to look at various options to ensure you get the best quality diamond for the amount of money you can comfortably afford.

A strong clasp is essential to any necklace or bracelet. If a clasp is not solid, you might end up losing your jewelry. You can purchase a safety clasp to secure expensive pieces of jewelry. Some opt for two or three clasps on their extremely valuable pieces of jewelry so that they stay safe during wear.
Get some robe hooks to display your necklaces and keep them from getting tangled up. You can hang a whole row of these small pieces of hardware along a wall or the back of a closet door, then hang your necklaces in groups by color or length. If done right, this will have a nice appearance and prevent the jewelry box tangles necklaces are prone to.
Do not buy jewelry based solely on the manufacturer or brand name. Few people can identify jewelry brands on sight. A jeweler who convinces you that a brand is worth paying more for is probably just out to get as much of your money as possible. Remember that there is top-quality jewelry available under any number of different brands.
It is possible to make money while keeping your pieces when it comes to jewelry like bracelets and gold necklaces. Remove a small amount from the overall length while retaining enough for the piece to still hang properly. The excess you trimmed can then be sold. If you have a number of real gold pieces, you can earn a couple hundred dollars with this method.
Created Stones
There have been so many advances in created stones that it is difficult to distinguish between natural gems and lab created ones. Both are beautiful and share physical properties, but created stones sell at an enormous discount over the cost of flawless mined stones. A qualified gemologist will be able to tell a natural sapphire by its natural inclusions, so have the stone checked before purchase.
A lot of people have begun to pair silver jewelry with yellow gold jewelry. However, you should wear jewelry that has both metals in one piece. Otherwise the look is out of style and doesn’t look right.
As you can see, it does indeed require some knowledge and effort for both the buying and selling of jewelry. We have provided you with some great tips that offer a solid starting point. Use them well and you’ll be on the way to successful purchases and sales.