Home Tips & Tricks Living With Sleep Apnea; What To Do When You Are Diagnosed
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Living With Sleep Apnea; What To Do When You Are Diagnosed


TIP! You have to get rid of a few vices to get through sleep apnea. If you drink and smoke, it can make your sleep apnea worse.

Do you frequently wake up with a feeling of great fatigue and irritation? Do your loved ones express negativity in regards to your snoring? If that is the case, then it could be an indication that you’re suffering with sleep apnea. This condition may be very serious, so you must seek out immediate treatment.

TIP! While people who are thin can have sleep apnea for various reasons, one common reason many people have it is being overweight. Losing weight may help to greatly reduce sleep apnea symptoms in many patients.

You may have success in treating your sleep apnea with a doctor-prescribed fitted mouth guard. You might possess an airway that is naturally narrow, or you might have a recessed chin or small jaw. All of these can make the symptoms of sleep apnea seem more pronounced. You can overcome these difficulties and experience much more restful sleep by using a custom-fitted device to keep your jaw and airway properly aligned.

TIP! Sleep apnea can be a serious disorder. If you have symptoms of sleep apnea, be sure to speak with your doctor immediately.

Don’t drink alcohol to excess. Alcohol relaxes your muscles in a way that harms your breathing. Drinking alcohol will make it hard for you to get through the night if you have sleep apnea. Alcohol can relax the muscles in your throat, making it more difficult for your body to control your airway. If you can’t give up drinking completely, at least make an effort to moderate your intake and avoid having alcohol in the hours leading up to your bedtime.

Sleep Apnea

TIP! A doctor looks at both your medical history and family history when diagnosing sleep apnea. Also, there may be a sleep study performed and even a sleep specialist recommended if the doctor treating you feels that your condition is severe enough to get it looked at further.

Children can suffer from sleep apnea, also. If you child seems to be distracted in class, cannot focus, and is breathing through his mouth, then he may have sleep apnea. These symptoms are much like ADHD so you should make sure you get the right diagnosis.

TIP! Sleeping by yourself can keep you from knowing if you have the symptoms of sleep apnea. Setting up a camera to record your sleeping habits might be the answer.

Sleep apnea is very serious. If you suspect you may have it, it is important to see your doctor right away. Once you know whether or not you have it for sure, you can figure out how to deal with it.

Nasal Spray

TIP! If nothing is working to better your sleep apnea, try talking to a doctor about more aggressive treatments. A lot of people do not do well on some of the treatments, requiring complicated surgeries to enhance their airway.

Try a good nasal spray to take care of nighttime nasal congestion. It may offer a couple nights of relief. Nasal spray is not a permanent solution to nighttime breathing issues, though; prolonged use will cause irritation and possibly sinus damage. Take a trip to the drugstore and find a nasal cleaner that suits you.

TIP! Lose weight to prevent developing sleep apnea. Many sufferers of sleep apnea have found that shedding their unwanted pounds makes their sleep apnea go away entirely.

Learn to play a woodwind instrument. You will like the music and help exercise muscles that can better your breathing. Toning the throat and neck muscles will give you more control over your sleep apnea.

TIP! Do not lay on your back to sleep if you have a sleep apnea condition. Many people with sleep apnea find their airways block more easily when they sleep lying on their backs.

Your sleep position can impact the severity of sleep apnea. You need to find the right position. Put a foam wedge under yourself to lift up your body. An even better idea is to lift the top part of the bed by about four inches, if you can.

TIP! Sleep apnea will not magically disappear; you need to treat it. Every person is different, so while a particular treatment worked for someone else you know, it may not work for you.

If you are prone to sleep apnea, you should try not to sleep on your back. Falling asleep on your back can create airway restrictions that prevent sound sleep. Do what you can to sleep while laying on your stomach or side at all times. You can use pillows behind your back to help keep you from moving onto your back to sleep.

TIP! Avoid excessive drinking if you are a sleep apnea sufferer. Drinking alcohol can cause your throat to relax which can make sleep apnea worse.

Find something that will help your apnea today. If you don’t consult a physician about what you can do, your condition will worsen and may even threaten your life. Suffering from sleep apnea will take a toll on your health and ability to deal with difficult situations.

TIP! Play wind instruments. Not only will you enjoy the music and exercise your mind, but you will also exercise the muscles that help you control your breathing.

There are throat exercises that can help you get rid of sleep apnea. These exercises strengthen the muscles surrounding the airway, which makes them less prone to collapsing. One example is pressing your tongue onto the roof of the mouth and holding onto it for about three minutes before releasing. Try doing this at least once a day.

TIP! If you are taking a flight and bringing your CPAP machine, contact the airlines ahead of time. You’ll find that most airlines are quite accommodating to this kind of medical necessity; they’ll seat you in a place where you have all the room you need.

Because sleep apnea is a problem of the throat and not the nose, making the throat muscles stronger can resolve many apnea symptoms. There are many fast and easy throat exercises you can learn about and use.

TIP! If you believe you may have sleep apnea, then make sure you visit your doctor to obtain an official diagnosis on the matter. A proper diagnosis is critical.

Many people who have sleep apnea sleep on their back. If this applies to you, try switching the position you sleep in. Studies have shown that sleeping on your side instead can facilitate the problem of sleep apnea, leading to a more restful night of sleep.

TIP! Make sure that your throat and jaw muscles both get exercise. Sometimes sleep apnea is just dependent on weak internal muscles you have, so take the time to learn a few exercises that can help you deal with your apnea.

Be compliant with treatments. Even if it is difficult to abide by your doctor’s instructions, you must do so in order to improve your sleeping disorder. Be assured that your symptoms will come back quickly and affect your life again without continuous treatment.

Mouth Guard

TIP! Chronic sleep apnea can be relieved a bit by taking naps when you can. If you don’t get enough sleep, your health and functionality can be seriously impacted.

One way to curb sleep apnea is with a mouth guard. If you have a small jaw, or an overbite, you should let your doctor design a mouth guard for you that will be custom made to fit any jaw issue you have. You can help align your jaw properly during sleep, which can make it easier for your body to get breath while you sleep.

TIP! Exercising the muscles in your throat can ameliorate sleep apnea. Anything you can do to make the muscles in your throat stronger will help to keep your airway from collapsing when you sleep.

If you are a sleep apnea sufferer, exercise the muscles in your throat. Anything you can do to make the muscles in your throat stronger will help to keep your airway from collapsing when you sleep. You can make soft noises, put your tongue in and out of your mouth, make faces, or even take up a wind instrument. The point of these exercises is to firm and tone your throat muscles.

TIP! Make an appointment with a specialist. Your regular doctor may be able to help you deal with a sleep apnea condition, but a sleep apnea specialist has special ways of treating it.

Talk to your partner about their feelings regarding your apnea. It’s possible that you have disturbed the sleep of your partner at some point. Ask them if they have been awoken because of snoring and explain that your treatment should bring that to an end.

TIP! Mouth guards are helpful tools for sufferers who desire a good night’s rest. The mouth guard is designed to keep the jaw aligned and promote proper breathing.

Sleep apnea is a serious problem, but entirely treatable. The information in the above paragraphs is your ticket to fast and effective treatment. Whether or not they are effective for you, be sure to speak with your physician.

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