You probably already know the difference between organic and non-organic foods, and have seen your share of the organic type at your supermarket. You may already be aware of which foods come organically. These items are packaged in a different manner, and they typically cost much more. In this article, we will offer your some essential gardening tips that can help you to save more by growing organic products at home.
Clay is difficult to dig through with a shovel, as it is sticky and compact. Get better results in clay by rubbing car wax or floor wax onto the shovel, then buff off and dig. The wax will help keep dirt from sticking to the shovel, and will also keep the metal from rusting.
Use your tool handles as rulers in the garden. You can use larger tools, like rakes, as measuring sticks. Lay the handles onto the floor and place a measuring tape beside them. Have a marker handy, and mark the distance with it. This modified ruler will serve you well as you begin working in your garden.
Stink Bugs
Stink bugs can damage your garden, especially if you garden in the fall. Stink bugs prefer peppers, beans, tomatoes, and various varieties of fruits. If you do not keep them under control, the damage can be excessive, so keep an eye out for them.
If you want your garden to sport flowers in the spring as well as summer, plant bulbs. Since bulbs are easy to grow and resistant to poor weather conditions, they will grow without fail year after year. Different varieties of bulbs flower at varied times and if you make the right choices you can have blossoms from early spring through late summer.
Place a few inches of organically based mulch around your vegetable plants. Mulching helps keep moisture in the soil. It will also prevent the growth of weeds. Every gardener can appreciate pulling fewer weeds.
If you are horticulture for the first time ever, read and follow all directions and instructions that come with your chemicals and tools. Irritation of the skin or even more serious injuries are possible if you ignore manufacturer’s directions. Wear protective gear, and use the products as directed.
Use smarts when watering your garden. You can save time by using soaker hoses to water more than one plant. Keep the water running slowly so it doesn’t spray up onto the plants’ leaves. This allows you to leave the hose running as you go about your business.
Include your children in your efforts to organic horticulture. Helping a garden grow is an excellent learning experience for kids, and it allows your family to spend time together while creating healthy, nutritious foods.
Just as when outside, plants kept inside need varying degrees of sunlight, which can be harder to obtain from indoors. If the room you wish to grow them in faces in a direction that gets little light, choose varieties of plants which can accept this type of environment. If this is not an option, or you have your heart set on a particular type of plant, consider adding additional growing lights instead.
Avoid allowing chores in your organic garden stack up. Every time you go outside, you should take care of a few things so that you do not have too much work to do when you have the time to go back to your garden. For example, if your family is cooking out on the grill, you could clear a few bunches of weeds between checking on the burgers.
Compost Pile
When developing your compost pile, use equal measures of dried and green material. Add grass clippings, waste from fruits and vegetables, leaves, and weeds for the green materials in your compost pile. Dried plant material includes straw, sawdust, shredded paper, cardboard, and dried and cut-up woody material. Charcoal, meat, ashes or other diseased plants should not be included in a compost pile.
For container planting, be sure to plant your seeds at a depth around three times the radius of the seed. You should know that certain seeds need not be covered, because they need the sunlight. Ageratum and petunias are two examples of seeds that should not be planted deeply. With so many different types of seeds, it is important that you check seed packaging or utilize other resources, such as the Internet, to discover which seeds require exposure to direct sunlight.
Among the most important features of organic produce is the fact that it has not been exposed to harmful pesticides. This provides benefits for your family, but you ought to double check for pests.
Plant some organic garlic. Garlic cloves should be planted in the spring or fall. They require soil that is well-drained and moist. Plant them an inch or two below the soil line with the pointed end facing the sky. Each clove should be around 4 inches from the one beside it. Garlic stalks can be used as they grow for chives or scallions in any recipe. Each bulb can be harvested when the top has begun to brown. Dry the bulbs in the sun in order to harden their skin. Finally, store the garlic in an area with low temperatures like a pantry, either by themselves or tied into bunches.
Growing your garden at home might not be the most convenient thing for you, but you will save a lot of money and always have the confidence that what you’re eating and feeding your family is as fresh and as healthy as possible. Use the tips you’ve learned here and get started on your garden today.