The fact that you suffer from panic attacks is not an indication that you are any less of a person than those who don’t. You simply need to understand the effects of anxiety and learn how to control them. It is not a big surprise that more and more people are afflicted with anxiety disorders, considering all the stress the modern world has to offer. There is no reason to panic about your panic attacks; if you follow the simple advice given, you will be prepared to cope with your attacks when they occur.
Listening to music can be a powerful way to combat the anxiety you feel at the start of a panic attack. Put on some soothing songs and focus on the words and the melody. By turning your mind to a distraction besides your symptoms, you will more easily calm your body and conquer the attacks.
A therapist can help you to stop panic attacks at their source. There are several reviews on the Internet to help you find a local therapist.
Feeling alone can make it more difficult to cope with your feelings of anxiety. When suffering with the paralyzing problem of panic attacks, having people you can turn to is often the only thing that can help you get through them. After all, that is what friends are for.
When having a panic attack, the feelings of fear can be overwhelming, but you should ask yourself if there’s anything to be really scared of. Is there actually something or someone there that is threatening or harmful to you? Since in most cases, you will answer in the negative, you should simply calm down and allow the anxiety to melt away.
When a panic attack comes on, stop, sit and breathe. Inhale slowly to a count of five. Watch as your stomach rises. Now exhale slowly out your mouth, also to a count of five. Try to do this process ten times to feel better.
Be aware of what situations cause your panic attacks. Know what behaviors lessen or heighten their duration and severity. You should keep in mind that you are feeling a momentary nervous system overload; you are not in any physical danger. An episode will end sooner if you keep this in mind to retain a healthy perspective on the matter. Yes, it is awful, and this advice is not meant to down-play that at all, but adopting this kind of thinking will help to negate at least some of the panic.
Constantly monitor your anxiety level. It is important that you are aware of these things in order to reduce anxiety and stress. You will be more aware of what is happening and know how to control your anxiety more effectively. If you are more aware, you can lessen your attacks and how bad they are.
Concentrating on exhaling rather than inhaling is the key to getting the most out of breathing techniques while a panic attack is in progress. There is no harm in rapid and emphatic inhalation during a panic episode, and it is actually quite typical. What is important is that you hold each breath and exhale slowly.
Be honest and open about your emotions to prevent your panic attacks. A panic attack might happen when a feeling has elevated to the point in which you cannot seem to get control of it. The underlying emotions involved need to be discussed and resolved quickly in whatever manner works best for you.
A sense of logic and rational thinking is a common characteristic of people who gain control of their panic attacks. If you feel a panic attack coming on, remember that feelings cannot and won’t harm you. Memorize a positive quote and recite in repeatedly whenever an attack occurs.
If you want to be able to deal with the things that cause your panic attacks you must learn to accept them. These feelings will not hurt you and may benefit you in identifying the causes of your root anxiety. If you accept your feelings you will feel more enlightened.
Have you done it before? Were you able to do it successfully before? If you did not conquer the panic attack last time, what can you do differently this time?
Redirect your fight-or-flight response toward something constructive. When you have success in stopping a panic attack, write down the behaviors and thoughts that helped you. The extra energy can be used for things such as cleaning the house, cooking, or exercising. If you channel that energy towards a positive action, you are sure to notice the panic subsiding.
Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are not a sign of weakness. If you have panic attacks, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with you. Living with panic attacks actually takes a great deal of strength! Use this advice to deal with your future panic attacks. In addition to reducing your panic attacks, you may also be able to completely eliminate them from your life.