Home Tips & Tricks Solid Advice About Your Special Nine Months
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Solid Advice About Your Special Nine Months


TIP! Speak to your doctor prior to you making travel plans, when pregnant. Ensure that your medical records are traveling with you, just in case there are any issues.

Regardless of whether this is your very first pregnancy or your fifth, this article has tips to make the process easier. Each situation is different and each pregnancy is different. You should read this article to get a better idea of what you should expect.

TIP! Much like others, women who are pregnant should make every effort to apply sunscreen any time they are going out in the sun for a while. Women have skin that becomes more sensitive when they’re pregnant so that means things like sunburn can happen.

Don’t feel bad if you want to skip some parties while you are pregnant. People will understand that this is a trying time and you may not be able to keep up socially. You may be shocked at how tired you are, how much you need to go to the bathroom, or the nausea you are experiencing. Don’t exhaust yourself just because you think something is expected of you.

TIP! If you are experiencing constipation during your pregnancy, eat more fibrous foods like fruits, veggies and whole wheat products. Constipation in pregnant women is caused by the extra hormones.

See your doctor before trying to become pregnant. Your doctor can help you make healthy lifestyle changes, which will make your pregnancy easier. Making sure your body is ready to be pregnant may be the most important step you can take.

TIP! You should be touring your birthing facilities when time is near. Comfort makes labor go much more smoothly.

You should start taking a prenatal supplement as soon as you decide that you want to have a baby. Your baby will start to develop his neural cord, which will turn into his spinal cord and brain during your first trimester. Your own nutrition, even from the instant of conception, is very important. It’s essential that you have sufficient amounts of folic acid, iron and calcium during this time frame.

TIP! Get help with lifting while pregnant. Lifting heavy things can cause miscarriages or stress on your baby, not to mention that it can cause back strains.

When pregnant, you should eat roughly 300-500 additional calories per day. This is all the extra calories your baby needs. Try eating healthy foods like fresh produce and lots of lean protein.

TIP! Take a pregnancy test immediately if you think you are pregnant. If you don’t know you are pregnant, and as a result don’t get proper care, you may cause harm to your baby.

It is important that a pregnant woman stays away from stress, as much as she can. Stress can cause a lot of problems in pregnancy, including for the baby. Studies clearly show that stress can contribute to pre-term labor and birth.

TIP! Use natural remedies for colds or other minor illness. Over-the-counter medications can often hurt a fetus.

It’s important to understand that it’s not uncommon to see it take as long as one year to actually become pregnant. If you’ve been trying for longer than that, you might want to check with your doctor. A doctor can tell you if everything is okay or if there’s something stopping you from getting pregnant.

TIP! It isn’t always wise to give in to the often, constant cravings associated with pregnancy. You need to keep in mind that your developing baby has a need for healthy nutrition, in exactly the same way you do.

If your feet become swollen during your pregnancy, be sure to tell your physician. Excessive swelling may also be a symptom of a more serious condition called preeclampsia, which is a major cause of high blood pressure in pregnancy. If you’re suffering from preeclampsia, your doctor needs to take of it as soon as possible to protect your health and that of your child.

Leg Cramps

TIP! If you are expecting a baby and you get diarrhea, remember to drink as much fluid as possible. Dehydration is extremely dangerous for the pregnant woman and her baby.

If you are bothered by leg cramps during the night, do some light stretching before bed. Many women experience leg cramps during their pregnancy. A bit of stretching can be a huge help.

TIP! Swimming is a great idea as your pregnancy reaches later stages. Swimming is a fabulous exercise during pregnancy because it keeps you fit and helps you feel better as you go further into the pregnancy.

Avoid hot tubs and saunas when pregnant. Extreme heat from sources like these are not good for a growing baby, so they should be avoided. Especially during the first and second trimesters, the oils used by some spas can result in early contractions. Always try to avoid, clary sage, juniper and rosemary.

TIP! Tell your doctor as soon as possible if you experience vaginal discharge during your pregnancy. This can be an indication of infection of the vagina, which is common during pregnancies.

Unusual amounts of vaginal discharge during your pregnancy should be reported to your doctor. You could have an infection, which is common, or you could be leaking fluid from your uterus. It is always best to have a doctor determine the cause to prevent any harm to you or your baby.

TIP! Prior to conceiving a child, live your life as though you were pregnant already. Stop drinking and smoking, and start eating a healthy diet coupled with an exercise routine.

Say no to exorbitant amounts of food! You do need to eat more when you are pregnant, but you should not overdo it. You can always say no to excessive eating.

TIP! This may sound odd to you, but if you are pregnant stay away from the cat litter. Cat litter can contain a disease called toxoplasmosis, which can be harmful to a growing baby.

Take a Lamaze or other type of pregnancy class. Register for a space in the class as soon as possible; otherwise, it may fill up. Breastfeeding classes are another great idea. Both courses offer invaluable information to help you as you prepare for your baby.

TIP! Unless your doctor has told you not to exercise, keep up with your current exercise routines. Keep your heart in good shape and muscles strong when pregnant by swimming, walking, and performing similar low-impact exercises.

Choose maternity clothing that fits properly. Many women remain in regular clothes longer than they should because they do not want to purchase “pregnancy clothes.” This is ill advised because there is nothing embarrassing about wearing maternity clothes and you will notice a huge increase of comfortableness in clothes that fit.

TIP! The popular acne treatment salicylic acid should not be used during pregnancy. It has cleansing and exfoliating benefits to the skin, but it can harm your baby.

You may want to take a Lamaze course if you are pregnant for the first time. Childbirth classes can give you all kinds of excellent tips and advice on what you can expect while pregnant. Your hospital classes also include maternity ward visits and tours so you know what you will experience.

Make sure to watch your diet for foods that can harm your baby when you’re pregnant. Unpasteurized milks, soft cheeses and raw seafoods are all on the no-no list.

TIP! Be sure that your diet contains enough folic acid when you’re pregnant. You need to consume at least 600 mg of folic acid daily to help reduce neural tube defects in your child.

It is surely obvious by now that there is an abundance of information about pregnancy. Although you may not need to know everything, there are certain things every pregnant woman must know. Enjoy the journey you are about to embark on, and learn as much as you can to make it a smooth one.

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