TIP! Steer clear of ammonia, bleach or other strong chemical solvents when you need to clean these items. These chemicals can turn stones...
TIP! When shopping for sterling silver jewelry, it is a good idea to bring a small magnet along with you. You can tell...
TIP! When you are shopping for jewelry in sterling silver, be sure to examine the piece closely, and take along a magnet for...
TIP! Don’t use things that contain harsh chemicals like bleach, ammonia, acetone or turpentine, to clean your jewelry. These chemicals can turn stones...
TIP! Store your jewelry collection carefully. It is better to use boxes, compartments, holders, and hooks for keeping pieces separate. While jewelry shopping...
TIP! Always keep your jewelry in a place that doesn’t experience extreme temperatures or humidities. Store them in a closed jewelry box or...
TIP! Don’t keep your jewelry in open air or someplace with a lot of humidity. To keep your jewelry properly protected, store it...
TIP! Make sure you organize your jewelry properly. For best results, separate different pieces into different boxes, compartments or hooks. Jewelry is always...
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