If you are embarrassed by your loud snoring, this article is for you. You can get some great advice on steps that you can take to ease some of your symptoms so that you can get a restful night’s sleep.
To prevent snoring, you should consider altering your sleeping position. Snoring is most common when lying in a supine position because gravity causes your head to fall back, which can narrow the air passages in your throat. You may find it easier to sleep on your side, because it reduces the pressure on your neck, as well as your likelihood of snoring.
If you are currently pregnant and your partner notices you are snoring, contact your physician immediately. While it is very common for pregnant women to snore during their pregnancies, you should learn about how this problem can affect your baby and its oxygen levels. Therefore, it is important to visit your physician as soon as snoring occurs to rule out any issues that may harm your unborn child.
Elevate your head while you sleep, to reduce snoring. Make sure your head gets adequate support by lying on a firm, thick pillow. If you are not comfortable, try using a couple of pillows. Keeping your head in a more upright position will increase the amount of air flowing, and reduce or even prevent, your snoring.
Nasal strips may help reduce snoring. They look a lot like a Band-Aid. They are very different from a Band-Aide, however. These strips open your nasal airways automatically. You will be better able to breath with your nose and it can greatly decrease your snoring.
Warm Milk
Dairy foods may be causing your snoring, whether or not you have lactose intolerance. Dairy products can increase phlegm production and this excess phlegm can then restrict the airflow through your breathing passages causing you to snore. If you customarily drink warm milk before bedtime, try drinking warm tea instead. Warm to help aid in sounder sleep without the problems associated with warm milk and snoring.
Consider exercising your tongue regularly. It may sound like a funny idea, but if you keep sticking your tongue in and out of your mouth, it will get plenty of exercise. Stick your tongue all the way out and hold it as rigidly as you can. Point the tip up, down, to the left and to the right. Make sure to point in all directions as you work your tongue out. This exercise will work out your tongue and jaw muscles, making snoring a little less likely for you.
While it isn’t a quick fix, losing weight might be the best remedy for snoring. If you are fat, you will put on weight in every body region, including the neck, which is implicated in snoring. The extra weight applies pressure to your airway, even collapsing it partially, which causes the vibrations and sound known as snoring.
Keeping your mouth open promotes snoring, and the sound of snoring is the result of breathing through your mouth and throat. Air never goes through the throat if you breathe through your nose. You can use chin straps or mouth sealant to stop mouth breathing. These devices are available in most pharmacies.
You should avoid mixing certain things, like alcohol or sleeping medications, because they directly suppress the nervous system. When this system is depressed during sleep, the muscles in your throat will relax and the snoring will begin. These drugs can also increase your risk of cardiovascular disease by causing sleep apnea. You should avoid these things if you are a snorer.
If you have a problem of snoring, you should blow your nose, then use a nasal spray of just saline before you retire to bed. Keeping airways hydrated and clear can let you breathe easily while you slumber. If you are congested, then you’re probably breathing through your mouth for a little while.
It is thought that left side sleepers snore less. Snoring may annoy your partner, especially if they have to listen to it every night. Sleeping sideways on your left side isn’t medically proven to solve snoring. Although, there is evidence that sleeping like this opens airways and helps reduce snoring.
If you have a partner that snores and it bothers you, think about going to bed before they do so you are able to get to sleep before you have to hear their night time noises. This may not help if you sleep lightly, but the effort may not be in vain.
Dairy Products
Stay away from eating dairy products before you go to sleep to eliminate snoring. Consuming dairy products can lead to the production of mucus, which can cause you to snore. The mucus created blocks your breathing passages, and this is what is at the root of snoring more than normal.
You should consider trying out various medications or other remedies that are marketed for snoring problems. Items available include nasal strips, sprays, and pills that many people have claimed helped them. Before you start taking any sort of medication to treat your snoring, you should consult a healthcare professional for advice. Your doctor can point you in the right direction.
Properly treating allergies will help to eliminate snoring. Allergies aggravate your sinus cavities causing upper respiratory congestion. Many people breathe through their mouth because of allergy problems. This contributes to snoring. Use antihistamine drugs and a household humidifier in order to control your allergies.
snoring not only affects you, but also affects your sleep partner. As a treatment for excessive snoring, think about applying nasal strips right before you go to bed. The strips may appear ridiculous at first, but they are effective in reducing snoring and will help your loved ones to be less annoyed with you.
We hope that this advice will help you feel less stress about getting to sleep at night. It’s up to you to improve the quality of your sleep – take steps to reduce your snoring!