Home Apparel&Jewelry When It Comes To Quality Jewelry Advice, You’ll Find It Here

When It Comes To Quality Jewelry Advice, You’ll Find It Here


TIP! Take a polishing cloth to each piece of jewelry in your collection. This is a fairly simple way to achieve shine without dealing with solvents and chemicals.

What is jewelry to you? Do you know enough to identify different styles or to recognize quality and good deals? This article will help familiarize you with some of the intricacies associated with fine jewelry. Continue to read this article to find new information on jewelry questions both big and small.

TIP! The metals in jewelry can tarnish if exposed to humid air, so you will want to store them in a way that protects them. A drawstring bag or closed box offers the best protection from moisture in the air.

Try cleaning your jewelry collection with a polishing cloth. This is a chemical-free method to maintain the appearance of your fine jewelry. Use the dual-sided cloth on your jewelry just as you would clean a glass. Use the side of the cloth that is designed for polishing to remove fingerprints, dust and other surface imperfections, and then use the opposite side to buff the jewelry and make it gleam.

TIP! When shopping for genuine sterling silver jewelry, you need both a discerning eye and a small magnet. Jewelry made with non-precious metals will be attracted to the magnet, revealing any fakes.

Be careful when storing all your jewelry together. Consider delegating each piece to its own resting place, utilizing compartmental boxes and storage units. Never simply throw piles of jewelry in a box. This haphazard approach can cause damage to the individual components of fine jewelry, and create a tangled mess.

TIP! Jewelry is something that can last generations. When choosing jewelry, you should always buy from a reputable store or dealer, in order to ensure you only get high-quality pieces.

Know which kind of stone you are buying with your jewelry. The three types are imitation, synthetic and natural. Synthetic and natural are real stones, while the imitation ones are plastic that is colored. Synthetic gems come from a lab and natural ones are found in the ground.


Your jewelry should endure an entire lifetime. Don’t buy jewelry from less than reputable stockists if you expect your pieces to be of the highest quality. A truly high-quality piece is one that is well-constructed and of superior workmanship. The jeweler ought to know the history of the piece, such as its manufacturer and the source of the gemstones. Put effort into your choice, so you can be sure that the piece will last generations.

TIP! For jewelry to stay shiny and new-looking, it is important to keep it from tarnishing. Try to keep your jewelry away from water.

Before you think about picking up new jewelry, check into what the latest trends are to get a sense of what’s of value. It is better to get a gorgeous bauble on sale!

Costume Jewelry

TIP! Your belt will get a little pizzazz if you accent it with a brooch like this. Pin it in the front or at your hip.

If you are interested in collecting costume jewelry, be sure to stay conscious of the condition. Costume jewelry can prove to be a good investment, but worn, broken, or otherwise damaged pieces are not worth the expense. A piece that is in excellent condition will increase in value.

TIP! Keep your jewelry unsoiled by only putting it on after all of your makeup has been applied. All the grime and dust from your makeup attracts jewelry.

Wear jewelry for at least a day to see if it hangs correctly and is comfortable. You will be able to tell if it will hold up to wear and tear.

TIP! When deciding on which jewelry pieces to buy, look through the sales advertisements. Buying at the right moment can mean big savings.

Costume jewelry needs special care. Many embellishments on costume jewelry are only secured with glue rather than set into the piece. Costume jewelry should never be immersed or make contact with harsh chemicals. The best care is to wipe with a warm damp cloth and then dry with another cloth. This will ensure that all of your costume jewelry looks like it did the day you bought it.

A brooch will add a little character to your belt. Either put it near your hip or near the middle of your waist.

TIP! It is hard to determine whether a sapphire or a ruby is natural or synthetic. Natural and artificial rubies and sapphires are chemically identical to their natural counterparts, but artificial stones are worth far less.

Before you buy, ask if the gemstone has been treated, and the method for doing so. You have to select the type of care for your jewelry depending on its treatment. Cleaning a treated gem using the wrong chemical might damage it.

TIP! Alexandrite is a unique stone, which many often forget to consider. It displays a spectrum of color, from green to purple, depending on whether you are outdoors or indoors.

If you are looking to sell jewelry online, ensure that the photos you use make the piece look attractive. This is extra important because the customer can not handle jewelry with an online transaction. It is essential that the jewelry be placed on a background that does not draw the attention away from the piece.

TIP! To clean a gem or bauble in a setting, use a damp cloth and be very gentle with the piece. After a gentle cleaning, take out a soft cloth and dry the piece completely.

All bracelets and necklaces must have a good, durable clasp or closure. You risk losing your necklace, and the expensive stones attached to it, if your clasp fails. Anytime you buy an expensive bracelet or necklace it is recommended you request a safety clasp. You might even want to add an extra clasp on your jewelery for added protection.

TIP! If you have small pieces of jewelry from your childhood that you’d like to keep wearing, layer them with more mature pieces. A small pendant, perhaps a cross or heart, can add a touch of greater meaning when layered with other more modern necklaces.

Do not swim while wearing jewelry. The chlorine in pool water will corrode your jewelry and remove its shine. In the same way, salt water can have the same effects to jewelry over time. If you want your jewelry to remain pristine, always remember to remove it before getting into the water.

TIP! Before you begin to shop for the perfect engagement ring, you should familiarize yourself with the going rate for diamonds. Purchasing a diamond can be an emotional experience.

Use these tips whenever you purchase a piece of jewelry for your personal collection or to give as a gift. You will better be able to make an informed buying decision, which will save you money and hassle. All you have to do is educate yourself about the art of jewelery to make a good decision.

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